I have to admit, I really like PayPerPost. It's fun, it's relatively easy money, and I get to hear - and blog - about products, websites, and services that I might not have otherwise known about. Cool stuff like the Box.net widget and CouponChief, just to name a few.
I'm anxious to find out what this new idea is all about. PayPerPost set the blogging world on fire, in a manner of speaking, when they came out with the idea behind their business model. It will be cool to see what they've come up with this time.
I think most bloggers and website owners are looking for any ethical way to drive traffic to their site. The more traffic the merrier, I always say! I have an online jewelry store that I'm forever trying to promote in order to bring in new business. (If you are in the market - or even if you're not - check it out!) I also maintain several blogs, like this one and my running blog.
Whatever they've got in store for us, I'm fairly confident it will live up to the hype.