I've got a birthday coming up next month. Number 36, to be exact, and I'm hoping that it merits a gift from Blue Nile. I've been dropping hints, like saying, "If you buy me diamond earrings for my birthday, I'll never complain about paintball outings again," changing my husband's computer wallpaper from a Dodge Viper to a 3 carat princess cut ring, you know, all the usual subtle stuff.
Fortunately, I know about a website that makes it a little more likely that I'll get my wish. It's Coupon Chief, and they've got oodles of coupons for online stores, including Blue Nile coupon codes! I've explained to my husband that when you see a good deal, you must act right away. With a coupon or a sale, the more you buy, the more you save. I can't tell if he agrees with me, but he hasn't divorced me yet. ;)