
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Wherein I subscribe to a stereotype

I'm the woman of the house. The kitchen and laundry room are my domain. The garage? Not so much. But I admit I was intrigued when I heard of Diamond Plate Garage Cabinets. Diamond? I'm there.

So I visited the website to see just what diamond plate cabinetswere, exactly. And here is something I never dreamed I'd say:

Those garage cabinets are pretty dang stylish. They almost make me want to hang out in the garage and I don't know, weld something. Or something.

I wouldn't dream of ordering them by myself and then giving them to my hubby for Christmas. Actually, I would dream of it, and did, but only briefly. Because I can pretty much guarantee you that what I buy will not be what he wants. It must be a man thing, and I haven't figured it out yet.

But if you're a smarter girl than me (not hard), or you know your man, or maybe you don't need a man because you know how to pick out garage cabinets all by yourself. If you fall into one of those categories, I suggest you check out these Diamond Plate Cabinets.