By placing a PayPerPost Direct badge on your blog (see mine above) you indicate that you are willing to take direct opportunities from the advertiser. By cutting out the middleman you get more of the money!
Let me explain. Let's say an advertiser sees my running blog and is wowed by it. (No stretch there. ;) ) He wants me to write a post reviewing his website that sells running shoes. Rather than listing the opportunity via PayPerPost, he can now contact me directly via my blog and the two of us can hammer out the details.
Now some companies would like to take anywhere from 50 to 100% of the payout for their (limited) services. Here's where PayPerPost rocks. If I had accessed this opportunity via the PayPerPost site, I'd be giving up 35% of what the advertiser is paying. (Still better than the competitors, don't you think?) But with PayPerPost Direct, I'm only losing 10%! That means if the aforementioned running shoe store owner is looking to pay $50 for a review of his site, I'm keeping $45. Not too shabby.
PayPerPost makes the whole process easy, from installing the code for the badge to ensuring that I'll get my payment & the advertiser will get a fair and well written review of his site.
Thanks PayPerPost, for making my life even easier...and more lucrative!