
Friday, December 15, 2006

An easy, free way to promote your website

If you have a website, you probably know how important backlinking is to your site. Backlinking is when another website publishes a link to your site. Imagine each link to your site as a "vote" for your site. The more votes your site has, the more important Google thinks it is. (This is a simplistic version, but for our purposes it will do.) If your backlinks come from sites that Google views as important or authoritative, that's even better.

One resource for backlinks is the website WriteAboutUs. In exchange for writing about their website, they will post your link on their homepage. There are limited spots available. (This is a good thing.) More traffic to their site = potentially more traffic to your site.

Once you've written to them, fill out the form located at That's all their is to it!